Revenue Guru

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Nonprofit Grants for Women Business Owners

There are two different types of grant funds, public or government and private, which are foundation grants. Corporations for charitable giving and philanthropic organizations that have nonprofit status usually form foundations. Both are nonprofit organizations, and some earmark grants for women business owners.

Finding nonprofit grants for women business owners will require many hours of research, once you know where to look. If you don’t know where to look, finding grants for women business owners could take weeks.

Corporate Giving Directory

Without exception, large companies that are incorporated within the United States have a charitable giving division also known as a foundation. These foundations are nonprofit organizations and operate under specific guidelines.

There are corporate foundations that organize to provide grant funds to education, health care or medical research. While other corporate foundations allocate funds for projects that provide assistance to women and families--including nonprofit grants, for women business owners. Corporate giving directories can be found at public and foundation libraries.

Community Foundations

Nearly every city, county and state in the United States, has a community foundation. In California it is the California Community Foundation. In the U.S. Virgin Islands it is the Community Foundation of The Virgin Islands.

Community foundations are nonprofit organizations that provide technical assistance and grant funds to nonprofit organizations including –nonprofit grants for women business owners. As with any nonprofit organization you must complete the application for grant funds or submit a grant proposal, whichever one of the two is required by the nonprofit organizations.

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The Executive Summary 

Nonprofit grants for women business owners are available but you will need a convincing business plan. Your business plan should begin with an executive summary. Your executive summary should summarize your business plan and identify what type of business you operate or plan to start-up, how much funding you are requesting and your projected profit for the first three years.

The Business Plan

Your business plan should provide information that justifies in detail the information included in your executive summary. Additional information such as detailed budgets, how you will market, and advertise your business, must also be included in your business plan.

The Grant Proposal

Nonprofit organizations will always require grant fund applicants to submit an application and or a grant proposal. The information that should be included in the grant proposal is as follows:

Program Summary – a summary of your program usually one or two paragraphs

Problem Statement Needs Assessment – State the problem and identify the needs

Objectives – what do you hope to achieve with grant funds

Methods – how will you achieve your objectives?

Anticipated Outcomes – what is likely to be the result once your grant funds have been spent.

Multiple Applications

Nonprofit organizations that award grant funds to women business owners are few and far between. Ask for help from your local community foundation and make use of the other nonprofit foundation directories that identify sources of funding. Apply to as many nonprofit organizations as possible simultaneously.