SOREN AND GRACE BLAK, SLUM LORDS THAT WANT THEIR TENENTS TO BE HAPPY? The letter Grace sent and Cynthia D. Baily signed invited me to move because I wasn't happy.

CLICK HERE FOR MORE "Historical Danish Construction Style"

Grace Blak sent me a letter addressing my concerns and her concerns that I was not as happy as the other tenants. Quoting the letter " Grace Blak, agreed to have the stairs repaired, but, informed you that the installation of screens was not possible due to the "Historical Danish Construction Style" of the building". Please pass by and note the repair of the stairs. I will post a photo of the stairs tomorrow, the post do not match. It looks like no one considered the "Historical Danish Construction Style" when the repair was made.

In response to the dead tree branch the letter goes on to state that the removal of this tree branch has been reported and will be removed as soon as the maintenance schedule permits. I think the photos shown here reveals that there is no maintenance scheduled maintained.

There is more than one dead tree branch and I have posted photos. One of my son's noted the holes in the tree branch that is directly over my livingroom door.

It just so happens that I have written two real estate text books, "Marketing and Leasing Commercial Real Estate and Real Estate Brokerage Management". I am invited many times to write real estate reports based on my expertise on the subject. When I say that experts will tell property owners to remove trees that hang over their property, it is conventional wisdom.

The tree with many dead tree branches is undermining the foundation of the building it is growing under.

But lets get back to the "Historical Danish Construction Style". There has been an aggressive attempt to modernize this apartment. There is a central air and heating unit that does not work installed in the apartment. I do not beleive that air conditioning ducts cut into the ceiling is in keeping with "Historical Danish Construction Style". The apartment also has wall to wall industrial carpet that has been installed in the apartment.



CAN YOU SAY FIRE TRAP? I guess Grace and Soren Blak's maintenance schedule does not include cleaning the dead leaves and growing foliage from the rain gutters. All of the gutters are full of dead leaves and growing foliage.

There is a tree growing on my deck that is

causing the deck to break up.


I have taken many more photos and will post more tomorrow. I do not see any insurance company insuring this property.

Just as drivers must insure their cars, property owners should insure their rental property to insure the property is safe!


This is a photo of half of a missing door and steps in need of maintenance on the property. I do not see any attempt to maintain the integrity of the "Historical Danish Construction Style".

I do not see any evidence of any maintenance schedule on this property and there is more than one rotten tree branch on the tree that is hanging over the property and growing from under the property . Please click here to see the photos of the tree with many rotten tree branches.


In a letter signed by Cynthia D. Baily Property Manager and Power of Attorney for The Testamentary Trust of George Conrad. The prompt repair of my steps was stated. I called Cynthia D. Baily to ask her about fixing the missing railing and she told me that the apartment was rented as is. I informed Cynthia D. Baily that the missing rail was an enforceable issue and by law had to be replaced.

