Looking for a good apartment or house to rent in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands? Rents are out of control in St. Thomas and St. John, USVI and too many landlords are SLUM LORDS. STORY FOR CNN ABOUT LIVING IN AMERICA'S PARADISE! We dare to speak truth to power in the Virgin Islands. This is an excerpt from an important new book to be published by Ninth Life Publishing, "Slum Lords Of The Virgin Islands" by Nancy Holloway-Prince author of "Corruption In America's Paradise, Secrets Companies & Dermatologists Don't Want You To Know, Buying and Selling Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Brokerage Management", numerous articles and reports.




I am on my way to my day job, technical writer. Before I go I just want to say, it’s another beautiful day in paradise. St. Thomas is amazing! When you visit St. Thomas, USVI, please consider the possibilities. St. Thomas, USVI is America’s Paradise. The sunshine and the easy breeze would make “Green Technology” an industry equal to tourism and employ more people than the government.

The people would have jobs that pay better than the current service industry that caters to tourism. The agricultural possibilities on St. Croix represent an opportunity to cut the cost of produce for Virgin Islands Residents, go organic, go green and generate self-employment opportunities.  The topography of St. Thomas would make the island a good candidate to breed livestock for a profit.

Diversification is an essential component of any organizations plan for financial viability. There are government grants available only to the government or government agency.  Consider the possibilities.  What if the Virgin Islands Government started developing the ”Green Industry” in St. Thomas, USVI. The now vacant lots can be used as solar energy power stations that supply power to WAPA.

During times of economic downturn the government has the discretion as it relates to applying for grants to fund “Green Technology” ranching and farming.  In a perfect world St. Thomas has everything to work with to approach perfection. But we don’t live in a perfect world and the powers at be have yet to consider the possibilities or they would nothave built Crown Bay Marina without solar energy.

The Virgin Islands has all of it’s eggs in one basket still. Even after the failure to brand the islands with West Indian Culture there is still no attempt to act on the best interest of it’s self.  The absence of solar energy and the failure to brand the Virgin Islands as a cultural destination makes me bitter because we don’t have good paying jobs.

Still I cling to the possibilities that one day the Virgin Islands will empty the trash, go green, go organic and paint.  Paint is cheap if you are a landlord strapped for cash, ask the tenants to pitch in with the labor. We all have a responsibility to clean up the Virgin Islands and we should all benefit. Tourists will want to come back, Virgin Island Residents will have state of the art training, better paying jobs and we will have achieved diversification



Our children live in these neighborhoods where absentee landlords with the financial means necessary to maintain their investments but won't. We send them to school with the stench of failure and low self-esteem. Why? Because the friends and business associates of slumlords don't know they own these properties or worst they don't care. My new book "Slumlords Of The Virgin Islands" will identify several landlords by name who act as if protecting their investments will benefit everyone except them.

There is no reason for anyone to live in a dirty neighborhood. It should be against the law to rent an apartment that can be proven to be unsafe and the landlords should be held liable. This hurts tourism!

It's time for the Virgin Island Government to take charge!


Mothers Day in St. Thomas, USVI was great! It wouldn't have been better if I had running water in my apartment, but I would have looked nicer when my kids took me out to dinner. No big deal you learn to roll with the punches in St. Thomas. If you are easily worked up into a lather over every little thing that isn't like it is in the states you will not be happy here.

Rolling with the punches doesn't mean throwing your hands up. We all must do what we can to make our lives better and the lives of our families as ideal as possible.

About the photos in the next column these are abandon buildings with a harbor view. Not the best or highest use of the land. These run down and abandon buildings are located in very close proximity of the Central Business district of St. Thomas, USVI.

These buildings belong to someone or they belong to the Virgin Island Government. If the government has a say I would recommend having prison labor tear them down and allow the people in the neighborhood plant "Victory Gardens".

The Virgin Island Government may also consider turning these unoccupied buildings into examples of "Green Technology" like solar energy.

Maybe the government of the Virgin Islands could supply mariners with solar powered devices, as a way to diversify and provide viable employment for residents.

Tourist will find St. Thomas irresistible if we can just clean it up, start paying employees what they are worth and keep tourist coming back.

It's time for the Virgin Islands Government to step in take over the abandon properties that blight our islands and return them to the highest and best use. If they do they will turn a profit. There are grants available and new construction can be paid for with grant funds. But they know this.











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