Image Research & Communication has just purchased the domain

Daily News Virgin does not accept advertising dollars, we document and write about the facts. Daily News Virgin will expose the low wage and poor living conditions in the Virgin Islands. Daily News Virgin will give the people a voice. We are the voice of the people not the voice of the advertisers.

There are powerful people in the Virgin Islands that do not want us to publish the daily news on line or in print. Why? Because the content on our website is an embarrassing who's who in the Virgin Islands. Prominent business owners and honorary dignitaries like the Danish Consul General are documented doing and saying things that do not seem to be in the best interest of Virgin Islands Residents..

We started documenting online in 2001. Every lawyer has failed to have their clients names removed from the contents in this book. Even an attorney who once represented Microsoft has an unhappy client who remains named in "The Paradise Blogs".

"The Paradise Blogs" by Nancy Holloway-Prince is an anthology of my blogs about living in the Virgin Islands, the mad, the bad and the famous.

The information in these blogs will shock you. We have been shocked by the lengths powerful people will go to stop the truth from being exposed in the Virgin Islands.

"I have paid my rent every month with no balance carried over from the previous month and still Soren and Grace Blak will not paint, patch or make this building safe for Virgin Island Residents and they are not alone."

"The Paradise Blogs" identifies Internet crimes and Internet criminals that have visited our website. The cover-up is always more unlawful than the offense being covered up.

We have notified the FBI and will publish the findings of their investigation in my next volume of "The Paradise Blogs" We love St. Thomas and have no plans to move!

I am a published non-fiction writer with references. I write about real estate, the economy, health, cosmetics and business. My credits include writing an entrepreneur training program that scored more points than university business schools and two real estate text books.

I could never imagine the remarkable things that have happen to me while living in the Virgin Islands. I ended up reporting the new husband I write about in the blog to The Department Of Homeland Security, who had been monitoring my website.


An electronic version of this book is available on Amazon .com . Purchase this book from this website in a doc format.

Network Solutions has refused Mr. Justin K. Holcombe's request to shut down I still have my hosting and email account. The book "The Paradise Blogs" (unedited) can be purchased online from this web site and from in a digital format.

How much money do you think it cost to hire an attorney and engage his or her staff in futile pursuits? A fresh paint job might be more productive. Patching and repairing the crumbling deck will make the building less dangerous to visitors and tenants. If I was the owner of this badly neglected building instead of hiring lawyers to bury the truth I would replace the wood that is being eaten away by mold and mildew. If you can stop mildew and mold from eating away at the wood, the wood will last longer and not just rot away.

Why would intelligent property owners with financial resources just refuse to maintain his or her property? Instead of allocating financial resources to maintain the investment money is wasted defending the un-defendable. Even more devastating, the owner of the building I live in is a licensed general contractor.

In business, you must always ask yourself, "What would I do if I was in my competitors or advisories shoes?" Then you "cya" on the Internet if you don't have the skills, defending can get very expensive. Our company technically speaking is equal to any high-tech assault, white-hat or black-hat and it's a good thing. Our advantage is the truth and being able to invite law enforcement investigators to examine every line of code:

As a family owned business we will not be silent. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

I know this kind of persona is unexpected from the working mother of a family owned Internet business. Unfortunately it is the high-tech, advanced degreed who are underemployed, under paid and living in a building the property owner will not maintain. Soon I fear you will be able to ask any Wall Street Banker how we must feel. will address the current downward turning global economy and how it affects generally the middle-class and specifically the Virgin Islands. There are a lot of highly skilled people without jobs in America for one reason or another, we will investigate those reasons and offer some suggestions that may make things better.

The hacking of Sarah Palin's email account, boy can we relate to that. Please use the hacking of Palin's email account as an indication of how far high-tech contractors will go to gain an advantage.

Click here to visit our article, news, tutorial and commentary pages


My new book is inspired by the Danish Consul General, Soren Blak and his lovely wife Grace. The facts and photos are all true.

Are people with financial advantages slumlords in the Virgin Islands?

"Corruption In America's Paradise" a free read online has been hard to find, now we know why. This blog is included in "The Paradise Blogs"

by Nancy Holloway-Prince

$24.95 USD

The Paradise Blogs

The Paradise Blogs" aka "Slumlords Of The Virgin Islands" is explosive non-fiction documented from actual events. No one could imagine such legal high-tech adventure, jaw dropping shock and bad cast of characters.


Download free Ebook Reader from

Soren Blak owns this building

I pay $1150 monthly for rent and two security deposits $1150 each to move in. I have had these photos and more online since March 2008. This property is rat infested, in need of paint and patching. Areas of this property pose a potential danger to the tenants who live here.

mold and mildew on steps




Back Of Building Broken Gates

Dangerous Deck

Danish Steps


Needs Patching

mold on steps


Deck needs help

Dumped On Property
