Friday Weekend Edition 10/3/08

Uncensored Blogs and daily news from St. Thomas, USVI

People want to know what's it like to live in a place like St. Thomas, in the Virgin Islands. Living in any of the Virgin Islands is like living is a small town only more beautiful. Most people that live and work in the Virgin Islands are not in a position to speak out about corruption and favoritism because you never know when you might need that person or one of their friends, for a job or a place to live.

There is more insulation in a large city against the type of corruption and discrimination that thrives on an island like St. Thomas.

I wrote "Corruption in America's Paradise" because the truth about life in the Virgin Islands is awesome, shocking and business is all hardball.

I am a search engine optimization expert. Many web pages I have developed and published to the Internet enjoy the best search engine position. Results make me an expert, my clients and repeat business. My business is expanding as others have closed their doors.

I have said before that one of my web pages has been hacked to the bottom of the search engines. You can find many references to "Corruption in America's Paradise" but not the actual page. Yes it is still on the Internet.

When I first uploaded "Corruption" it was at the top of the search engines using a number of keywords now it cannot be found using any keywoods. It was hacked and until I notified the FBI and my host of the invasion on this page, it too was on it's way to the bottom of the search engines.

The dog bites you the first time shame on the dog. The same dog bites you again, shame on you. I have documented the visitors to my web site and traced the ip addresses back to the same visitors that were on my site in 2001.

When you make anything in demand scarce you increase the value of that item. People want to know who and what is in "Corruption in America's Paradise" that such financial resources have been allocated to bury it, hacking is expensive. Hacking is also illegal.

Speaking of expensive, the billable hours are adding up and the Danish Consul General's building has yet to see any improvement.



Thursday - 10/2/2008

Yesterday 10/1/2008 a section of cement and wire fell from my deck onto my neighbors covered deck. Web pages documenting the conditions described as dangerous, of this building owned by Soren (Danish Consul General) and Grace Blak have been published online since March 2008.


This could have been deadly. Minutes before families walked under this roof that has smashed a small child's car.

The actual size of this roof/my deck was larger than it appears in the photo. The roof/my deck section broke into smaller pieces when it fell. The photo above of the large piece is partially hidden by the shade.

I was alerted that something happen by a very loud crashing sound and vibration. It was so loud the noise startled me and gave me a headache, it was very upsetting.

When I looked I didn't see anything at first. From the sound of it I knew something big happen near by so I went outside and saw that a large part of the roof/my deck had broken off and fallen onto the walkway below.

Web pages published by have warned against this falling deck since March 2008 still Soren Blak a licensed contractor and owner did nothing. Even after the section of roof fell the Blaks did nothing to keep families from continuing to pass under the dangerous structure.

In a conversation 10/1/2008 I had with Justin K. Holcombe, Esq, attorney at law, of the law firm Dudley, Topper and Feuerzeig, LLP representing Soren and Grace Blak/ The Trust Of George Conrad; I notified him of the fallen roof/deck. I am waiting for a call from Mr. Holcombe now. Seems that during the time my web site was under attack very bad ip addresses were traced back to Tennessee.

I am not suggesting for a moment that Mr. Holcombe or Dudley, Topper and Feuerzeig, LLP had anything to do with the digital gangsters, fed watch iron geek and spammers visiting my web site. I do find it strange that all of a sudden the people in Tennessee are interested in Some of the visitors I got from Tennessee were very questionable and my host has been instructed to block them.

I am sure that I do not have to remind Mr. Holcombe that any criminal proceedings takes precedence over any civil issue as the FBI are investigating.

I sincerely hope Mr. Holcombe does not waste his time sending me and others letters about defamation. I have spoken to him a few times and he strikes me as a perfect gentleman, very cordial and well educated. I don't think anyone from the law office has been to see the building, last I heard Mr. Holcombe was in Tennessee.

Monday to Friday For The Late Edition Click Here





Sunday Edition Daily News Virgin 9/28/2008 from St. Thomas

The word of the day is “You”.

You are not reading the daily news page from the Virgin Islands by accident. It is your destiny to be on this website reading this blog and it is my destiny to be writing to you personally.

Who would have dared imagined that a blog that started out about other imperfect people would end up focused on you?  What you will do next will determine your destiny. Will you plan with your family to succeed or will you look the other way and get sucker punched by the evitable? Will you drop one bad habit?

Do you have a plan in writing, a journal or collections of scraps of paper with future plans scribbled on them? You and your family are facing difficult times ahead just like most Virgin Islanders. Instead of the wealth trickling down the profits are barely trickling in.

Most Virgin Islanders are paying up to $600 a month to provide health insurance for their families. But don’t get sick because health insurance coverage has become as unreliable as prayer for birth control. You just don’t have the protection you think you have.

Are you on a path that will lead to you achieving your goals and objectives in this current economy? There are a lot of middle class workers in America including Virgin Islanders that depend on jobs and businesses that will no longer exist. The vacancy rate in the Virgin Islands is high and going higher.

We are just starting to see signs that read “For Sale By Owner” something I predicted in writing last year.  Will you be in a position to take advantage of the falling real estate values or will your property be foreclosed on?

Outside of your current industry, how have you diversified, protected your investment and prepared for the bad times. Do you believe we will always have good times?

Business cycles drive predictions. For every set of circumstances there exist recommended strategy. When a “sellers market” becomes a “buyers market” you will begin to see the word creative being used in real estate financing. Big deals are now being made with stock only.

If more jobs are lost more homes will be foreclosed on and fewer people will be taking vacations to the Virgin Islands. Can you say you are financially prepared to profit in this market?

 Virgin Islanders own Virgin Island History and West Indian Cuisine exclusively, yet it is a product that is not exploited. Do you know why? It’s time for each Virgin Islander to become more self-sufficient and develop global revenue streams.

Can you think of a good reason why prison labor should not be making planters out of natural resources growing on St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix and planting the inventory that languish in our vacant lots? The Virgin Islands has the potential to develop a revenue stream, clean up our islands, rehabilitate our inmates, create more jobs, promote entrepreneurship and beautify the islands at the same time, with grant funds.

Can you think of a good reason why our streetlights should not be solar and do you know why the Virgin Island Government is paying WAPA to light our streets sometimes? Do you always have a streetlight at night when you need to be safe in the Virgin Islands?

What is happening in the Virgin Islands defies convention and that is why I write. The textbook is written based on conventional wisdom and facts. How can our economy collapse when insurance premiums are so high and the service delivered so metered? These are some of the questions you should have answers to.

If we bail them out are we not supporting business as usual and give them permission to continue to charge us premiums a lot of us cannot afford to pay? With so many questions this can’t be commentary it must be about what you will do next.

In the Christian Bibles “Angles” are described as warriors often soaked with blood by performing the greater good.  Angels in the Christian Bible are not described as beautiful creatures with wings but aberrations multi tasking.

We are like digital angles winning the bloody battle for the people with the truth. Who are you?

mail to


I was right

This could have been deadly for parent, child, both and all. This building is not safe. 10/1/2008 - Talk about falling real estate values. Daily News in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix

Finding A New Business Opportunity

Welcome to the global economy. When times are bad economically - pillars of the finance and investment industries go under fast and vastly undervalued. When real estate market values start to fall, buy in an area where they are not falling.

Even the media is offering business and job options in growth industries to their audience who are under economic siege. The poor paying jobs of the growing service industry is turning America into a third world country, it’s a result of the “War on the middle class”.

The wages from manufacturing jobs cannot be replaced by service industry jobs. The middle class must move up by his or her own bootstraps. Middle class wage earners must learn how to generate their own income and control their own destiny.

Job security started fading away about 30 years ago with the heavy industrial plants in California relocating oversees. At the time the culprit was property taxes, then wage demands from labor unions.

There was a time when American workers could give his or her all to the company and the company would honor that service with job security. Wages are stagnant and American workers are forced to create their own job security.

For every person who is whining about how bad thing are, there are people making money. There are always growth industries and ground floor opportunities. If you know there is a sector of the economy that is especially adversely affected by a devalued dollar, don’t build a business that caters to that sector.

Just as the dollar is devalued, American freelance labor is a value against the Euro or the Pound. American freelance workers aren’t paid less, they are paid the same as they have earned before. However, online employment for freelance professionals is huge and with the dollar such a good value in Europe American online professionals are in demand.

Just as hiring call center workers in a country where workers are paid pennies on the dollar, foreign call center workers are a good value for the employer. The middle class must find a way to become the employer finding cheap foreign labor.

If you need to make more money just to make ends meet, consider starting your own business.

The unexpected, widespread success and reliability of the Internet has made finding a viable profit generating business opportunity within your reach. Start generating extra cash by working online on your day off. Think about working one project a month and put the money away to invest later.

We all know that inflation is affecting the price of everything we use and consume. Formally educated individuals with advanced degrees are finding it more and more difficult to take care of their families even with two incomes.

How can a person who has a college education generate more income than they receive on their job without looking for another job? The answer may be a profit generating business opportunity. An opportunity that is viable and lucrative that you can work in your spare time.

 A viable and profit generating business opportunity can be worked in the 60 minutes five days a week, better known as spare time. For working mothers that may not have a full 60 minutes five days a week or five hours a week, I’ll give you the recipe for making more time.

An honest and viable profit generating business opportunity is a dream come true for many breadwinners that have more month at the end of their money. Millions of people use to be in your situation, too little money too few options found the building blocks to a better future for themselves and their families.

 Start by conducting an Internet search from your favorite Internet search engine, look for “viable profit generating business opportunities”, there are millions claiming to be viable profit generating business opportunities so type in the word complaints with any company that looks interesting to you.

Disgruntled clients will always complain, maybe their claims are justified maybe not. When deciding on an opportunity that looks like a viable profit generating business opportunity, inquire about the time requirements, income projections and references. That’s right, any company claiming to making Internet visitors to their web sites, millionaires must have terrific references. Daily News in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix

The Virgin Island Government needs to finance green technology in the Virgin Islands. This will produce more better paying jobs, stop the WAPA rate increases and give Virgin Islanders more money to raise our standard of living. Daily News in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix

Daily News Virgin will expose corruption in the Virgin Islands and provide solutions designed to raise the living standards of all Virgin Islanders. We will also feature articles, columns, tutorials and commentary designed to help Virgin Islanders and others who seek to profit in a downward turning market. Please visit the article resource for - uncensored news daily from St. Thomas, USVI Daily News in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix

Image Research & Communication has just purchased the domain

Daily News Virgin does not accept advertising dollars, we document and write about the facts. Daily News Virgin will expose the low wage and poor living conditions in the Virgin Islands. Daily News Virgin will give the people a voice. Daily news from the Virgin Islands you can trust. We want more clean-up on St. Thomas. Tourism is our life blood, lets clean-up and paint. Virgin Islanders need better paying jobs.We are the voice of the people not the voice of the advertisers.

We started documenting online in 2001. Every lawyer has failed to have their clients names removed from the contents in this book. Even an attorney who once represented Microsoft has an unhappy client who remains named in "The Paradise Blogs".

"The Paradise Blogs" by Nancy Holloway-Prince is an anthology of my blogs about living in the Virgin Islands, the mad, the bad and the famous.

The information in these blogs will shock you. We have been shocked by the lengths powerful people will go to stop the truth from being exposed in the Virgin Islands.

"The Paradise Blogs" identifies Internet crimes and Internet criminals that have visited our website. The cover-up is always more unlawful than the offense being covered up.

We have notified the FBI and will publish the findings of their investigation in my next volume of "The Paradise Blogs" We love St. Thomas and have no plans to move!

I am a published non-fiction writer with references. I write about real estate, the economy, health, cosmetics and business. My credits include writing an entrepreneur training program that scored more points than university business schools and two real estate text books.

I could never imagine the remarkable things that have happen to me while living in the Virgin Islands. I ended up reporting the new husband I write about in the blog to The Department Of Homeland Security, who had been monitoring my website.


An electronic version of this book is available on Amazon .com . Purchase this book from this website in a doc format.

Soren Blak owns this building


I pay $1150 monthly for rent and two security deposits $1150 each to move in. I have had these photos and more online since March 2008. This property is rat infested, in need of paint and patching. Areas of this property pose a potential danger to the tenants who live here.


Danish Steps


mold on steps


Dangerous Deck


Broken Gates


Deck needs help


Back Of Building


Needs Patching



Click here to visit our article, news, tutorial and commentary pages

"Slumlords Of The Virgin Islands" 9/23/08 Click here for an update. Previous

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mold and mildew on steps

rats Daily News in the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix


The word today is where… where are the articles in the Virgin Islands Daily News and the Source about the ghetto like conditions in proximity of our central business district?

Where are the answers to the questions about why the Virgin Islands Government has refused to fully diversify the Virgin Islands economy? Where is the protection for our tourism industry and where are the articles about protecting tourism dollars?

It is hard to believe that the Virgin Islands Government and the Board of Tourism will lobby for cruise ships and not improve our curb appeal. The walk from Crown Bay Marina to town does not contribute to a positive impression of St. Thomas.

Where is the criticism of the Virgin Island Government and their failure to enforce housing regulations?

Do the people who operate the media outlets see the rapid escalation of slum dwellings and dilapidated abandon buildings inside our central business district?

Where are the dollars to install public restrooms at Coki Point Beach? It’s time to clean up, take out the trash, paint and fix the roads in St. Thomas. If conditions continue to degenerate St. Thomas will become a ghetto and tourist will go to other islands.

Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. What are tourist saying about the neglected and abandon real estate on St. Thomas and will they recommend the Virgin Islands as a vacation destination?

Where are the stories from the television news outlets in the Virgin Islands about the rat infestation and where are the solutions?

Where are the articles and radio programs that focus on changing the Virgin Islands for the better?

Where is the plan to make St.Thomas competitive?

Where are the articles and radio programs that focus on changing the Virgin Islands for the better?

Where is the plan to make St.Thomas competitive? The vacant lot on the property where I live has more than $2,000 worth of plants and trees growing wild begging to be potted.

How many vacant lots are in the Virgin Islands and what is the street value of the plants and trees that grown in them? Pot the plants, sell the plants, buy paint and patch with your neglected resources.

If there are 100 vacant lots in the Virgin Islands there are 100 income opportunities.

Let the inmates make solar panels. The cost of solar panels is a common reason for not installing solar energy. If inmates make the solar panels, they will get a trade and we can compete even abroad as manufactures of solar panels.



DESIRE is the word of the day 9/26/08.

I’m wet…dripping wet all over and I don’t know how much of this I can take. This guys balls are coming at me faster and harder than yesterday or the day before. The couple next to us is also completely wet, breathing heavy and stroking hard. He’s looking over at me probably thinking about the threesome we had the other day.  We are all grunting, stroking and panting.

My partner shares me with his friends because I’m good and I can’t deny that I like it. I don’t ever see any of the other women around here taking on two men at the same time. This morning I could hear myself saying “Yes God Yes”. . I know what you must be thinking. You’re thinking you better hit the print button because this text won’t be on the Internet for long. Relax we are just playing tennis.

Now that I have your attention, desire is an entity that makes your heart pound, like a good read. Desire should be driven by what you want from life. Your desire to own your dream home, drive a luxury car, travel, or own your own business will not be enough to help you achieve your goals.

Desire must generate enough energy to facilitate self-improvement. If you want more you must be more. What do you want and what are you willing to do to achieve your long-term goals and short-term objectives? Write them down.

Do you have the energy, motivation and knowledge necessary to succeed?
There is no job security. If your primary desire is to get a good paying job and eventually retire with a gold watch and a pension you need to back away from the punch bowl.

Virgin Islanders are especially challenged because we depend on tourism exclusively and of course the rum they will consume. Learn to fish, farm, build and trade. Virgin Islanders must learn how to become more self-sufficient individually and with family members or friends.

I know a taxi driver that has a farm with goats that are spoken for from birth. Our land and climate is ideal for small community gardens. It’s time to buy some seeds and start planting.

Current economic conditions must be met with a plan you have in writing if you and your family are to survive. Can you write or teach?

The reason the banks are failing is because their primary source of income has started to trickle down instead of pour in. Then they are faced with having to sell inventory that banks are not staffed to do.  Banks make their money on the interest payments we pay for credit cards and mortgages. When we can’t pay the mortgage the banks are not generating the revenue they need to pay the bank employees.

We can’t pay the mortgage because we didn’t take the economist seriously when they said Americans would have to be innovators, we must own new technology and penetrate new global markets.

Where will your desire take you? To the bookstore, back to school working for yourself on one of your days off? Virgin Islanders must innovate on a global level. Books from the Virgin Islands about life, food and your history are what tourist want.

We should have some type of reenactment fairs in the Virgin Islands. We must learn to compete and we must have a greater desire to give visitors what they want when they come to the Virgin Islands. We must develop a competitive advantage over other Caribbean Islands.

Virgin Islanders must understand independently what tourist are looking for and how to get paid delivering those services. The hard economic times we are having now will hit the Virgin Islands like a tsunami this season. No tourism, no jobs. What will we do?

Start learning now. What do you want to do and can you make money doing it. As a company our focus has shifted to the luxury market because we listen to economists and their predictions.

What comes after foreclosure on mass? Bank failures, who didn’t know that? If mainlanders are having problems paying for their primary residences, what do you think will happen to their vacation homes in the Virgin Islands and their vacation plans to the Virgin Islands?

Learn to anticipate. When the savings and loan institutions went out of business twenty years go, there was the “Resolution Trust Corporation”. There primary function was to sell the assets from the failed savings and loan institutions. The government contracted small business owners and entrepreneurs to provide the support to facilitate sales.

Yesterday Congresswoman Maxine Waters who had been active with Resolution Trust twenty years ago and spoke about the opportunities for small business owners and entrepreneurs and she referenced the Trust. Learn to anticipate what the next business opportunity is expected to be based on history. Historically what has been done before successfully, will be revisited.

Learn how to do business with the government even if you have to learn a new skill.


Get wet with desire.

The word today is anticipation. In business you must anticipate increases and decreases in sales, you must anticipate or forecast the viability of an emerging trend. Prudent planning in business requires the business owner plan for the good times the bad and the exit plan.

Business owners must also diversify. Today there is no job security, there are only boots-traps. I am a ghostwriter. My clients are wealth builders and mentors that charge up to $8,000 for their expertise. I write his or her reports, EBook and articles (someone else does the editing :)

The reason I am able to write for wealth builders and mentors is because wisdom is based on convention. Everybody who is successful has based his or her success on a standard that your industry respects as convention. This is why the business plan outline is still the model for writing a winning business plan. They all say the same basic thing.

Globalization caused many entrepreneurs in America to retool their business plans because our projects are going overseas.

More than a decade ago economist announced that Americans would have to become innovators to survive because manufacturing was going to China and other countries. This is the free trade product.

Globalization is the product of the multi national corporation. First to make more money corporations moved HQ's to countries with no or low taxes. Second any labor that could be outsource would be. These two major changes were implemented by all multi national corporations.

Many skilled Americans lost their jobs. For every disadvantage there is an advantage. I use to work on project from agencies where my competition was a guy in India. Now I'm hiring the guy from India to work for me.

We have to turn it around but first we have to learn how.

Then we have to dig deep. That is what time it is. Learn how to make more money. Have more than one revenue stream. Have up to three revenue streams generating enough income to support your desired lifestyle.

The Internet was suppose to level the playing field. Some of my web pages have been hacked to the bottom of the search engine. I've been sent computer virus programs via email in the name of clients I represent. Anticipation is nothing if you don't know what to look for.

If you are always busy and don't ever have time to reflect on a daily basis you may want to consider a reorder of your priorities. Prudent planning for a family owned business means being able to pay college tuition and put food on the table at the same time.

You family has the potential to become your staff. You and your family have the potential to generate twice the amount of money you make on your job but it won't happen over night.

First you must identify what you want beyond paying the rent or mortgage, then you must make a plan you can commit to.

One of my goals was to be able to write what I truly feel and take care of my family at the same time.

One of my clients is generating close to $1000 a day in sales as a result of what my family owned business has been able to do for his venture. When my client was forced to retool his five year plan because of poor real estate sales he approached me because the Internet is the new ground floor opportunity.

If you can deliver you can get paid. Market yourself. What is the best thing about you? What is the most impressive thing you have done and what do you want to do? Things have changed. When you see the bankers, accountants and executives out of work you don't have to be an economist to know things are getting worse just like they have been saying it would.

Peace and love to you all


Competitive is the word of the day. The question of the day is what will the Virgin Islands do to compete for the shrinking tourism and vacation dollars?

Currently the Virgin Islands has gone into business without diversifying. Why didn’t they know better? Remember conventional wisdom? Of course they knew as they know now that they have one revenue stream and must engage in unconventional, counter institutive and self-defeating practices.

No good business owner goes into business with one vendor. I will guarantee you that no bank will fund a business plan where there is just one vendor or supplier. Any such business plan would be questioned by loan officers, if there were no plans to diversify that business, it’s a red flag.

A qualified financial planner would be worth spit if he or she did not encourage clients to build a portfolio that is fully diversified. Why is there no diversification in the Virgin Islands?

Money? GRANTS! This could get embarrassing. There are grants for everything yet we don’t utilize them.

The abandoned buildings, replace them with victory gardens, chicken farms and solar energy stations. Grants are available for funding each of these projects. Teach Virgin Islanders how to fish and how to ranch.

Competitive – The Virgin Islands must become competitive because the travel dollars are shrinking. For sure there will be fewer Wall Street Bankers taking vacations this year.

Why don’t we in the Virgin Islands have a back-up plan, why have we refused to diversify? Why are we still a one trick pony?

Retail and restaurant help has said to be less than the best customer service visitors expect. Too often the very people that represent the Virgin Islands arrive at work in a less than cordial mood and provide less than the best customer service. We cannot compete with bad attitudes and people who have to walk to work through the slum and abandon buildings cannot be in a good mood.

If the Virgin Islands took out the trash, patched, cleaned, painted and exterminated, the people who live and visit here would be more pleased. This is conventional wisdom. What do the people that represent the Virgin Islands want?

We must not just compete we must make the case that we deserve tourism dollars because we have earned them. Our islands are clean, our residents are satisfied and our visitors are in awe of our beauty and our vibe.

The central business district of any city, town or island is the most populated and sell for the highest dollars per square foot. Property with a water view everywhere in the world sells for more than property without a water view. This is again conventional wisdom. Where is the wisdom in the Virgin Islands in allowing abandon and neglected buildings to remain in the central business district?

In the absence of the application of conventional wisdom there is corruption. When conventional wisdom is not applied what is used in it’s place?

How can we have so much sun and no significant solar energy industry? Do we have to be beat with solar panels before we take the lead in the Caribbean and innovate green technology for a profit.

Those that can’t teach. Lets say we lack the financing to implement another revenue stream. Become the leader in green technology training. Be the worldwide provider of the newest ground-floor opportunity. We already have the buildings. Grants are available for start-up.

God Bless Us All…








unfortunate prediction OW will have life threatening accident in the next 14 months.