Zama Blanchard Dexter
746 Elmwood
Shreveport, La 71104
318 861-1002


Newcomb College, New ORleans, LA: Rhodes College, Memphis T, and Louisiana State University, Shreveport, La - B.A. in HIstory, Minor in Art


Southfield School, Shreveport, La
Elementary ARt Teacher - 1976 - 77
Middle and HIgh School History Teacher and Department Chairman - 1978-83


Al Brouilletee, Dan Burt, Alfred Chardburn, Janet Fish, Wolf Kahn, Carole Katchen, Ben Konis, Kay Polk, Leo Smith, Bert Seaborn, Betsy Dillard Stroud, Larry Weston, and Milford Zornes.


One Woman Shows

Barnwell Art Center Wafer Gallery, Shreveport, La - 2000
Murray State College, Tishomingo, Ok - 1997
Zues Gallery Cafe, Richmond, Va - 1995
The American Club, Hong Kong - 1993
Monjuni's Restaurant, Shreveport, - 1992
Adventist Hospital, Ardmore, Ok - 1990

Cook County Community College, Gainsville, Tx
Four Person Show - 1990 and 1998; First Place in Oil - 1990 and 1998 and Other Awards in Pastel, Oil and Mixed Media - 1990 and 1988

Riverside Galleries, Shreveport, La
Two person show 1999
Five person show 1991
Four person show 1988

The Goddard Center, Ardmore, Oklahoma
Juried Shows - 1989, 1993; Second in Show - 1989, Awards - 1990, 1993
Invitational Shows - 1989 - 1992

Other Shows and Awards
Pipe Dreams Show Towen Gallery, Shreveport, La - 2000
Ardmore Art Guild, Ardmore, Ok - 1991-1987, 1993-1994; Awards in Oil, Pastel and Mixed Media-1991-1987; Best of Show - 1993; and Juror's Award - 1994
Independent Artists of Oklahoma Traveling Show, 1993-1994
Texas and Neighbors Juried Show, Arlington, Tx - 1992
Four Person Show, Oklahoma Heritage Center, Oklahoma City, Ok - 1992
Five State Juried Show, LSU-S, Shreveport, La - 1992
Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition, Oklahoma City, Ok - 1991-1992
ArtPort, Shreveport, La - 1990-1996, 2000
Auction Benefit for Carter County Museum, Ardmore, Ok - 1989-1991
Art in the Park, Ardmore, Ok, Best of Show - 1990
Oklahoma Art Guild Juried Show, Oklahoma City, Ok - 1989

Z A M A  B L A N C H A R D  D E X T E R
318  861.1002


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  Nanci Prince  All Rights Reserved